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Songs for Worship

These are songs composed by Bruce Smith, Music Director at Calvin Presbyterian Church, and Graham Standish. They are songs that are easily sung like contemporary Christian music, but that have more spiritual depth. They are free for you to download and use in worship: 

  • "If You Are the Vine" ~ written in a Latin style, this song is based on John 15:1-11, and sings about how to live a life in Christ. For the full orchestration, click here. For the lead sheet, click here.

  • "I'm Gonna Change All That" ~ written in a gospel style, this song is about the struggle to allow ourselves to be transformed by God. For the full orchestration, click here. For the lead sheet, click here.

  • "Like a Child" ~ based on Matthew 18:3, "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven," this hymn helps us adopt a more childlike approach to faith. For the full orchestration, click here. For the lead sheet, click here.

  • "Rest in the Bow with Me" ~ Based on Matthew 8:23-27, where Jesus is calm in the face of a storm, and then stills it, the song sings about forming a calm faith. It is based on a traditional Scottish tune, "Skye Boat Song." For the lead sheet, click here.

  • "For All the Times" ~ This is a confessional-style song that can be sung as a prayer of confession (especially in Lent) or treated as a worship song. It is meant to be a personal plea to God. For the full music click here.

  • "Form in Me the Mind of Christ" ~ Based on the story of Jonah, this song juxtaposes his way of thinking, which is often similar to how we think wanting God to do our will, and Jesus' way of thinking, which seeks to will God's will. For the full music, click here.


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