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Speaking Information

Information on Preparing for Graham’s Talks, Classes, and Workshops



Typically, I receive an honorarium or stipend in the neighborhood of $1200 to $3000 for talks, keynotes, or workshops, not including expenses, which are paid separately.  As a general rule of thumb, the following is a honorarium schedule:

  • $800 to $1200 for Single keynote talk of one to two hours:                     

  • $1400 to $1700 for One- to two-day workshop with multiple talks:                

  • $2200 to $3200 for Three-day to week-long talks:                                 


This honorarium is negotiable since the talks are considered part of my mission to the larger church, as well as a mission of Samaritan Counseling•Guidance•Consulting, and as such the honorarium acts as a contribution from your organization to support the mission of Samaritan.  

The check for speaking fees should be made out to “Samaritan Counseling Center” since this is a mission of Samaritan Counseling•Guidance•Consulting to help to create healthier congregations.

Expenses incurred by me for travel and other incidentals should be paid to me separately from the honorarium. A separate check for expenses should be made out to “Graham Standish.” I can give receipts to you for these expenses.


Travel and Housing:

If flying is necessary, it is best to let me make the flight travel arrangements.  I will do my best to find the lowest fares.  I ask  to do my own travel arrangements so that I can balance finding the lowest fare with getting to the airport in a timely manner that doesn’t cause me to arrive exhausted.


I prefer to stay in a hotel or other private accommodation in order to give me some down time and private time between days.  


Presentation Preferences:  

The following are preferences that I have for the actual talk.  I am adaptable to the constraints of the venue: 

  •  A screen for power point presentations—all of my talks are on power point slides.    

  •  An extension cord and plugs for the power point projector and my computer. 

  •  A clip-on lavaliere microphone that allows me to walk while I talk.  

  •  Usually I do not require a podium, but I do like to have a small table that I can place my computer on that allows me to see slides on it. This also gives me a place to place a drink.. 

  •  Taping and videotaping of sessions is permitted, but I would like to reserve the right to give permission for their future use.  


    Unless otherwise request, Dr. Standish will list all upcoming topics on this website, along with contact information of who to contact for those not in your organization to attend the conference, retreat, or talk.


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